Final Event
The Horizon 2020 EU project INVADE is arriving at its end and its partners aims to share their findings for an efficient use of centralised and distributed storage for the benefit of consumers and grid operators.
Room 1.4. Area CC1
20th. NOV. 2019
To see presentations - CLICK HERE
The Conference
A Short Day of Powerful Talks
20th NOV. 2019
12:30 pm
Stationary batteries and electrical vehicles can be used to optimize energy and power of households, buildings and power networks with a large presence of renewable generation, considering also the electricity market. The solution is based on smart IT platform that facilitates advanced services in electrical energy that the partners aim to share with engaging presentations as a side event of Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.
Click on underlined text to open presentation
12:30 Registration
12:45 Joan Groizard, Acting Director-General at the Spanish National Energy Agency (IDAE)
12:50 Introducing INVADE and partners | Dieter Hirdes, Smart Innovation Norway
13:00 Are Platform-based business models relevant in the energy market? | Dagfin Wåge, Lyse
13:10 Exploitation of flexibility services | Bernt Bremdal, Smart Innovation Norway
13:20 Optimal use of lithium-ion batteries in grid applications | Yancho Todorov, VTT
13:30 Architecture for facilitating flexibility | Pau Lloret, UPC-CITCEA
13:40 Flexibility management algorithms | Hossein Farahmand, NTNU
13:50 The INVADE platform – An intelligent tool that optimizes the value of your flexibility | Jon Spetaas, eSmart Systems
14:00 Flexibility services to end customers | Trond Thorbjørnsen, Lyse
14:10 Renewable Energy impact managed by Smart Charging | Marisca Zweistra, Elaad & Michel Bayings, Greenflux
14:20 Centralized Storage System to provide several flexibility services | Vera Palma, Estabanell Energia
14:30 PV-batteries – a revolution for the energy market in Germany | Malte Thoma, Badenova
14:40 Energy Transition in Hospitality Sector | Dimitar Stanev & Svilen Prialkov, Albena
This is the speakers attending the conference
Dieter Hirdes | Trond Torbjørnsen |
Marisca Zweistra | Dagfinn Wåge |
Michel Bayings | Pau Lloret |
Samppa Jenu | Bernt Bremdal |
Svilen Prialkov | Vera Palma |
Hossein Farahmand | Dimitar Stanev |
Dr. Malte C. Thoma | Jon Spetaas |